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T1D-Morning fasting HIIT (AMx) increases blood glucose levels while afternoon exercise (PMx) decreases blood glucose levels

Evidence Summary

A 2019 study investigated the blood glucose response to maximal sprint hiit training done at different times of the day. Changes in CG during exercise were not significantly different between conditions (AMx = +1.8+/-2.6 vs. PMx = -0.4+/-3.2 mmol/L; p=-.141). Changes during the 60-minute recovery were significantly different (p=0.039) with the AMx condition resulting in a continued increase in CG (+0.4+/-1.5 mmol/L) while CG declined during recovery in PMx (-1.2+/-2.8 mmol/L). [1]

Grade – B

Recommendation – 2


The evidence suggests that blood glucose response changes depending on exercise timing, however with no research linking either change in blood glucose to either a positive or negative effect there appears to be no benefit to either option, making recommending a specific time for exercising in type 1 diabetics A low powered statement.


[1] – YARDLEY, J. E. (2019). 751-P: Effect of Morning (Fasting) vs. Afternoon High-Intensity Interval Exercise on Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, 68(Supplement 1), 751-P.

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